Kids Cancer Care invites you and your school to take part in the Shave Your Lid for a Kid® program. This unique and exciting fundraising program has brought together thousands of teachers, administrators and students losing their locks to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer.
- Promotes leadership and encourages young people to get involved in the community;
- Promotes school spirit and advocates anti-bullying;
- The opportunity to educate kids about childhood cancer;
- Kids helping kids! Shave donations go directly to helping kids and their families affected by childhood cancer in Alberta;
- It’s fun!
- Promotional posters and fundraising tips;
- Setting up online profiles (optional);
- Shave day support including shaving materials and help in recruiting volunteer shavers;
- Shave certificate of achievement and Shave Your Lid for a Kid swag, along with a hat or cap for shavees;
- Donation reconciliation;
- Coordination and sending of tax receipts to donors;
- Kids Cancer Care is happy to send a representative and a Kids Cancer Care spokes kid to your shave event.
- Whether you’re a student, a teacher or a parent, talk to members of your school about hosting Shave Your Lid for a Kid®;
- Pick a date and set a fundraising goal;
- Contact Kids Cancer Care. Please email shave coordinator or call 403 984 1223. By letting Kids Cancer Care know about your event, we can ensure we support you to the best of our abilities;
- Start signing people up to shave or cut and donate their hair; and
- Start fundraising!