On Saturday, September 7 Kids Cancer Care hosted our first annual Shave Your Lid for a Kid!® community shave event at the Trico Centre for Family Wellness. 23 brave individuals rose to the challenge of shaving or cutting and donating their hair, in support of youth and families affected by cancer. This brave move not only raised essential funds for Kids Cancer Care but showed moral support for those who lose their hair during cancer treatments.

Four women generously donated their hair at the event, which will go to Angel Hair for a Kids — a foundation that provides wigs to kids at no cost. Diane V. was so inspired by the event that she decided, on the spot, to cut and donate her hair. She even spent an hour walking around the Trico Centre requesting donations and raised $170—Go Diane!
The event was filled with excitement as Tyler Hall from 98-5 VIRGIN Radio got his head shaved by 13 year old cancer survivor Johann — watch the video here! Some honorable mentions from the event are James D. making a special commute from Edmonton to participate in this event, Western Direct Insurance and its employees donating close to $3000 and to the 10 month-year-old baby who broke a shave record by being the youngest shavee!

Even Mayor Nenshi made an appearance at the event to thank event participants for their support.

A special thank you to our shaving experts Rick, Renee, Trish and Jessie from Tommy Gun’s Original Barbershop, who volunteered their services to help shave heads. Click hereto learn more their famous hot shave and new location in Deerfoot Meadows!
Kids Cancer Care would also like to extend a thank you to Trico Homes who provided volunteers to help out on event day as well as eight shavees! Thank you to our promotional partners 98-5 VIRGIN Radio and the Calgary Sun for helping us share our message. Last but not least, thank you Trico Centre for Family Wellness for providing us with the wonderful space to host our event.

Because of the amazing support of our event participants, donors and sponsors, we were able to raise close to $20,000; $5,000 over our goal! The money raised from this event will go towards Kids Cancer Care’s four programming areas — cancer research, hospital support programs, camp and community programs and scholarships.

Click here to see photos from event day!
Click here to learn more about the community shave event participants or to donate and help us break $20,000!