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YOUR gift today will connect kids with their childhoods

Every child deserves a childhood. A happy childhood, with caring, responsive relationships and positive learning experiences, is central to a child’s brain development and happiness. It sets the stage for all future growth and development. Cancer interrupts the normal course of childhood. The invasive medical procedures that children endure over extended periods deprive them of regular childhood experiences such as playdates, school, sports, and other activities. They live for months, and often, years in isolation. They miss out on far too much, sometimes leading to gaps in skills, growth and development. Your gifts today can change that, making camp possible for hundreds of kids and offering them hope for a happy childhood. Camp Kindle is one of the only places a child with fragile health and weakened immunity (due to chemotherapy) can safely go to experience the joys of childhood. Thank you for sharing the gift of childhood by donating today.

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