Be a rebel with a cause.
The Kids Cancer Care Ride for a Lifetime is a unique three-day fundraising event that offers scenic routes, unbeatable camaraderie, VIP treatment, exceptional roadside support and maximum fun. Be a rebel with a cause!
Every dollar pledged on the ride goes towards supporting kids with cancer and the families who love them. Kids Cancer Care is very grateful to the event sponsors, riders and donors for their ongoing support. While registration for the Ride for a Lifetime is now close, you can still show your support with a donation.
What our families are saying
Before cancer, I was reserved and timid, but now look at me! Look at what I have been through and what I know I can do. Kids Cancer Care is helping to shape the person I am today.
– cancer survivor
What our families are saying
Kids Cancer Care has given us another family, one who understands what we are going through, a support system for when we are tired. And it gives us a chance to give back too.
– parent
What our families are saying
Cancer is scary. It changes the way you look at the world and how you feel about yourself. By being with other kids like me, I felt a new normal and I feel like I have a place in this world again.
– camper