We have a volunteer role for you
At Kids Cancer Care, we love our volunteers! We can’t do what we do without you. Volunteers are active on the front lines and behind the scenes at Kids Cancer Care. Whether you’re looking for a long-term or short-term commitment, we offer flexible schedules that fit with all kinds of schedules and lifestyles, be it busy or those with wide open calendars. Enjoy working with children or prefer the allure of special events? Kids Cancer Care has a role for you. Check out the area that best suits you and your interests and apply through our volunteer database Better Impact.
General requirements
Meet age requirement
Volunteers are required to be 18 years old or older.
Complete screening process
Volunteers must complete an application, interview, vulnerable sector criminal records check, reference checks, and sign and agree to volunteer expectations.
Attend new volunteer orientation
Volunteers must compelete an orientation within the first year of volunteering.
Commit to participate
Volunteers must commit to at least 4 programs or events a year. PEER Exercise and tutoring volunteers have different time commitments.
The impact of your support in 2024
With your help, we continue to realize our mission of helping young people and their families survive and thrive in body, mind and spirit.
120 hours of care
48 kids and parents benefitting from 120 hours with our registered social worker and child life specialist.
1,847 tutoring hours
75 kids benefitting from 1,847 hours of customized tutoring support.
622 school kids
622 developing compassion and understanding for children with cancer through Cancer in the Classroom.
19 teens giving back
19 teens volunteering and raising funds to support health care initiatives for underserved communities in Mexico.
1,500 kids and parents
1,500 kids and parents registering for our programs and services.
18,051 volunteer hours
394 volunteers giving 18,051 hours, saving us $487,377 or the equivalent of 9 full-time positions.
376 exercise hours
95 kids benefitting from 376 hours of exercise, managing the effects of cancer and restoring strength and fitness levels.
100% parents reported
Their child was safe and well-supported at PEER and that they would recommend the program.
95% parents reported
That PEER improved their child’s ability to participate in physical activities.
379 kids building resilience
379 kids affected by cancer building friendships and new skills at our year-round camps.
Collaborating with 15 oraganizations
15 organizations partnering with PEER to promote healthy active living after cancer.
1,000 pizzas
1000 pizzas bringing 100 families together, enjoying a meal together and discovering they are not alone on their cancer journey.
What our families are saying
Before cancer, I was reserved and timid, but now look at me! Look at what I have been through and what I know I can do. Kids Cancer Care is helping to shape the person I am today.
– cancer survivor
What our families are saying
Kids Cancer Care has given us another family, one who understands what we are going through, a support system for when we are tired. And it gives us a chance to give back too.
– parent
What our families are saying
Cancer is scary. It changes the way you look at the world and how you feel about yourself. By being with other kids like me, I felt a new normal and I feel like I have a place in this world again.
– camper